As you are likely aware, both Turkey and northern Syria have recently experienced a series of powerful earthquakes which have caused immeasurable damage. We are pleased to announce an upcoming webinar that we will be hosting on April 14th, 2023 at 21:00 GMT+3 (11:00 AM PST). The webinar will focus on a variety of related topics, including the recent earthquakes in Kahramanmaraş and associated research findings.

This webinar is to present initial observations on recent Kahramanmaraş earthquakes and also to serve as a precursor to the 18th World Conference on Seismic Isolation, Energy Dissipation, and Active Vibrations Control of Structures- 7th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (18WCSI-7ICEES),  which is scheduled to take place from November 6th to 10th, 2023. It is important to note that there is no registration fee for this webinar, and we encourage interested parties to share this information with colleagues, academics, and practicing structural engineers who may be interested in attending.
All interested individuals are welcome to attend the webinar by following the information provided below.
Zoom                                          Google Form Link
ID:  601 872 7214           
Password: 202326

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