7. Uluslararası Deprem Mühendisliği ve Sismoloji Konferansı (7ICEES), 18. Dünya Sismik İzolasyon, Enerji Dağılımı ve Yapıların Aktif Titreşim Kontrolü Konferansı (18WCSI) ile ortak etkinlik olarak 6-10 Kasım 2023 tarihlerinde Antalya Belek’te Xanadu Kongre Merkezi’nde düzenlenecektir. 18WCSI, ASSISi (International Society for Antiseismic Systems) himayesi altında olup yerel organizasyonu Deprem İzolasyon Derneği (DİD) tarafından gerçekleştirilecektir. Konferans ile ilgili güncel bilgilere ulaşmak için aşağıda verilen konferans web adresini ziyaret edebilirsiniz.
7ICEES Web Sayfası: https://www.18wcsi-7icees.org/7icees
18th World Conference on Seismic Isolation, Energy Dissipation, and Active
Vibration Control of Structures (18WCSI) konu başlıkları:
- Seismic isolator and
energy dissipating device design
- Seismic isolator and
energy dissipating device testing
- Design of buildings with
seismic isolation and/or energy dissipation devices
- Design of bridges with
seismic isolation and/or energy dissipation devices
- Design of industrial and
power-plant structures with seismic isolation and/or energy dissipation
- Retrofitting of existing
structures and cultural heritage with seismic isolation and/or energy
dissipation devices
- Codes, regulations, and
guidelines on the design of structures with seismic isolation and/or
energy dissipation devices
- Structural health
monitoring of structures with seismic isolation and/or energy dissipation
7th International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and
Seismology (7ICEES) konu başlıkları:
- Physics of Earthquakes
and Seismic Sources
- Seismotectonics and
- Secondary Hazards Caused
by Earthquakes
- Seismic Networks
- Engineering Seismology
and Strong Ground Motion
- Machine Learning in
Seismology and Earthquake Engineering
- Geotechnical Earthquake
- Site Characterization,
Site Effects and Microzonation Studies
- Tsunami : Hazard/Risk
Assesment and Early Warning
- Seismic Analysis and
Design of Structures
- Seismic Evaluation and
Rehabilitation of Structures
- Performance Based Design
and Analysis of Structures
- Seismic Safety of
Historical Structures
- Seismic Design Codes
- Seismic Testing
- Infrastructure
- Structural Health
- Seismic Performance of
Nonstructural Components
- Seismic Resilience
- Disaster Management and
Risk Mitigation
- Lessons Learned from
Recent Earthquakes
- Economical and Social
Impacts of Earthquakes
- Urban Planning in
Earthquake Prone Regions
- Earthquakes and Architecture
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